Sunday, November 28, 2010


Has it really been 2 months since I last posted?? My goodness, time flies!! Well, I have been super busy, and I am anxious to show you what I've been up to :)

First, I made a little girl's first birthday cake, but it wasn't your ordinary theme! I loved her Mom's idea of something fall/Halloween-y themed, but not scary, so I came up with a pumpkin patch, and I used the little candy pumpkins and pretzel sticks to complete the look. It was great! And I even got an order a week later for the SAME cake for someone else (pics of that one will come later)! We joked that she started a trend :)

Next, I had a friend want me to make her girl's each a cake of their own for their birthdays, and cupcakes to share with the rest of the party. The girls are not twins, but their birthdays are close together. Such sweet little girls, too, and they are growing up way too fast!

The cakes really are both the same size, they just don't look like it here!

Here is the other pumpkin patch cake I made, (the second order I mentioned above). This one I added a bat to one corner.

The next order I had was for a set of 3 cakes for a bridal shower. My friend sent me a picture of the napkins that they would use at the shower...

And these are what I came up with...

They were a labor of love, I tell ya! I was really proud of how they all turned out; probably some of the most detailed work I've ever done :)

The next order was very, VERY special. A dear friend and her husband have been working on adopting for about a year. They had finished up all their paperwork, jumped through all the hoops they were told to jump through, yadda yadda yadda, and they get "the phone call" telling them that they were finally getting their little girl. My friend and I were already friends, but since I am adopted, I feel kind of connected to her somehow, just from the other side of things...I really hope that makes sense! Watching her become a new Mommy has been nothing short of amazing. Even though her circumstances were not the same as my parents circumstances, and her daughter's situation was not the same as mine, it gave me a new insight into what my parents went through, and how they felt. So, after her daughter was finally here, her friends had a baby shower for her, and since the little girl's favorite things are Mickey & Minnie Mouse, that's what kind of cake she wanted :) In the picture, the figurines were not placed on the stars because I didn't want them to fall over in transport, just use your imagination! (The name has been edited for privacy).

They also had some yummy chocolate dipped pretzel rods to go with their cake :)

Ok, that's got you updated to about the middle of October LOL! I will have to continue this post another day. Until then, thanks for checking in!!


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